We have only made a beginning, the words of Mary O’Sullivan co-founder of The Terence MacSwiney Memorial Museum on the opening day in 1965.
We will be staging an exhibition in Independence Museum Kilmurry in September 2025 to celebrate the 60th birthday of the museum and the changes in Kilmurry since then. If you or any member of your family were lucky enough to be there on that day, we would love you or them to share those memories and/or photographs with us via this link on the founding of Kilmurry Museum or share other memories/photos of changing face of Kilmurry in the last 60 years.
We would also love to put names to those in the crowd gathered for the museum opening by Máire MacSwiney Brugha.
e-mail > kilmurry.heritagecork@gmail.com
phone> Kieran Fitzpatrick @ 087-6567712